Tri-national Colloquium

NAFTA After Ten Years:
Social Impact and Future Perspectives
September 17-18-19, 2004
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Salle Marie-Gérin-Lajoie, Montréal (QC), Canada

The Quebec Network on Continental Integration (RQIC), in collaboration with Common Frontiers Canada, RMALC, ART and the HSA, hosted the tri-national Colloquium «10 years of NAFTA: Social Impact and Future Perspectives», held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on September 17-18-19, 2004.

While the negotiations on the creation of a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and the talks at the World Trade Organization (WTO) are deadlocked, business interests in Mexico, the United States and Canada are pushing for deep integration in North America. 10 years after NAFTA’s implementation the Accord stands at a turning point. Behind «deep integration» or «NAFTA+» lies big business’ concern with harmonizing regulations in order to eliminate obstacles curtailing ‘economic efficiencies’. Border crossings should be wide open for trade in goods and for business travellers. The direction is towards an eventual ‘customs union’ with a common monetary system, ‘smart’ borders and a single security perimeter. Governments are under pressure to give up more sovereignty over some natural resources (like oil and gas) to meet private sector expectations built around a continental energy pact.

The move towards ‘deep integration’ poses a significant challenge to social movements in North America. Building on a history of opposition to NAFTA’s impact, it is time to assess past actions, analyze the current conjuncture and build a new level of tri-national effort to ensure that public policy meets the challenge of putting people’s well-being ahead of private sector interests.

Seen as a meeting space between social organizations from Mexico, United States, Canada and Quebec, the Colloquium had three broad objectives:

Please click on the link to download the Colloquium's official program. The event focussed on nine separate issue areas that were strategically linked by cross cutting themes. The design for the overall event included panel presentations, workshops and a summary plenary discussion.

This Colloquium was sponsored by the Observatory of the Americas / UQAM
with the contribution of the members of RQIC, of the members of Common Frontiers Canada, and the support of the Ministère des Relations Internationales du Gouvernement du Québec (MRI), the John Holmes Fund / Department of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Canada, and Canadian Heritage.

Pierre-Yves Serinet
Tel.: (514) 383-226, ext. 222
